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Arm span and hand length: Reliable indices of stature estimation

Authors Onyinye Mary Ozioko, Uche Sebastine Ozioko, Ifeanacho Ezeteonu Abireh, Ignatius Ikemefuna Ozor, Daniel Agbo
Abstract Introduction: Human height is a sexually dimorphic trait that can be estimated using various anthropometric indicators. Materials and Method: The study cohort which comprises of 500 (250 men and 250 women) healthy subjects who fall within the age range of 20 and 49 years, were selected randomly. Their standing stature, weight, hand length and arm span were measured. Results: Findings reveals that Height of male subjects was significantly (p<0.05) higher compared to that of females, the mean arm span values of male subjects were significantly (p<0.05) higher compared to that of females. Mean arm span values was observed to exceed stature. A strong positive correlation value of r=0.431 for males, r=0.747 for females was obtained in this study between the height and arm span parameters. The mean hand length of males was significantly (p<0.05) higher compared to that of the females. A strong positive correlation value between the height and hand length parameter r=0.093 for males, r=0.442 for females was also obtained. A regression formula of height for males was Height=52.78 + (0.64) Arm span and for females, Height=61.2 + (0.59) Arm span was deduced. Conclusion: Arm span and Hand length are useful racial markers and will be of clinical and forensic anthropological significance when dealing with the study population. This study shows that though both arm-span and hand length can be used in estimation of the height of males and females, arm-span remains the most reliable. The regression equations can be used in amputees or dead accident victims and can be applied in medicolegal issues with accurate results.
Year 2020
Month April
Volume 9
Issue 2
Published On 30 May 2020
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