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Means of Act in Suicide –A Review across the Globe

Authors Ankush Sharma, Sangeeta Hatila
Abstract Background: Suicide stands at fifth major health problem worldwide. The incidence is 10-12/100000 populations per year. The use of means of suicide act variably changing from time to time under influence of available equipment and materials in the vicinities. As for example firearms shot, a deadly means of act is most common among Europeans and Americans but still hangings is a choice in developing countries, charcoal soothing in petrochemical and coal worlds, pesticides is a favorite choice among farmers. The factors compelling act are financial crisis, deficit support systems, poor crisis intervention, procurement and negligent rescues. The present study is to highlight means of act and factors responsible for such brutal acts. Method: The applicable methods selected for this study is based on the review of articles available on various website reflected from different geographical area across the world obtained from 45 full texts available on internet, out of which 29 were considered reliable. Result: Analysis and review of available data in this study revealed deliberate use of pesticide and another poisoning are commonest act performed by suiciders, following it hanging, jumping, self-harm, laying under train, drowning are other common means of act. Electrocution, Road traffic accidents, alcohol misuse or overuse and immolation are occasional and ineffective means of act tried by suiciders. Conclusion: The associated factors related to suicide were also analyzed had showed economic downfall, agrarian crisis, social disgrace including parental separation , number of family members ,friends and their burden and lack of support are an integral part of suicide factors .
Year 2020
Month January
Volume 9
Issue 1
Published On 27 Jan 2020
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