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Lizard tail as unconventional addiction: Case Report

Authors Shobhit Kumar Prasad, Piyush Verma, Priti Singh, Rajiv Gupta
Abstract The scientific literature regarding use of reptiles for purpose getting high are sparse, and mainly from developing countries.During conditions like non-availability of drugs or other substances of abuse, there can be propensity for using alternative forms of substances like reptiles or insects, which is determined by a milieu of factors, like personality profiles, socio-cultural milieus, availability and accessibility of substance and co-morbid psychopathology. We present a case of alcohol and cannabinoid dependence syndrome with dissocial traits admitted in a state drug-deaddictioncenter, PGIMS Rohtak describing the use of tail of Indian lizard to get high when there was non-availability of cannabis and alcohol in jail.
Year 2019
Month October
Volume 8
Issue 4
Published On 24 Oct 2019
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