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Neuromuscular Blocking Effect of Inhalational Anesthetic Agents- A Comparative Study

Authors Vikrant Gadkari, RL Gogna, Ashok Sinha
Abstract Introduction: Volatile anesthetics enhance the action of neuromuscular blockade (NMB) by various degrees. The purpose of this study is to compare the muscle relaxant effects of isoflurane and sevoflurane, in the context of routinely used muscle relaxants viz. vecuronium and rocuronium. Material and methods: 80 patients were divided in a randomized manner into 4 groups of 20 each to receive a combination of an inhalational agent with a muscle relaxant. The time required for intubation and extubation were calculated using Train of Four (TOF) monitoring. Result: The group with vecuronium as muscle relaxant had significantly longer time for intubation and extubation with both inhalational agents. The group with sevoflurane as inhalational agent with vecuronium had significantly lower intubation and extubation time as compared to the group with isoflurane as inhalational agent with vecuronium as muscle relaxant. Isoflurane and sevoflurane equally affected intubation and extubation times of rocuronium.Conclusion: This study suggests that a combination of rocuronium with both isoflurane and sevoflurane is equally effective for early intubation as well as for early extubation as compared to vecuronium with isoflurane and sevoflurane. Vecuronium with sevoflurane had better results as compared with vecuronium with isoflurane.
Year 2018
Month October
Volume 7
Issue 4
Published On 24 Oct 2018
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