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Association of Dental Calculus among Sudanese Patients with Renal calculi

Authors Samar EltayebElamin Ali, Ibrahim A. Ghandour, Abdalla Saleh Aljabry
Abstract Introduction: Dental calculus is a form of calcification process that occurs in the oral cavity and due to its similar structural composition with renal stones; dental calculus formation may increase in patients with calcium renal stones.Objectives: Toevaluate the possible association between dental and renal calculus formation, assess the gender and age relation, and compare the prevalence of supra gingival and subgingival calculus formation among renal calculi patients.Methods: The study group included 200 patients diagnosed with renal calculi.Calculus Index component of Simplified Oral Hygiene Index of Green and Vermillion was used to record oral cleanliness. Results: 67% of the patients with renal stones had dental calculus, 70.8% had supragingivalcalculus, 26.1% had sub/supra gingival calculus and 3% had subgingival calculus only. 64.7% of them were males and 35.3 % werefemales. Patients less than 20 years old were the least group with dental calculus, and those above 60 years were the highest group with dental calculus. The mean of dental calculus index according to gender, males were 1.28±0.89 and females were 1.20±0.99. The mean of dental calculus index according agegroups, among less than 20 years were 0.60±0.22, among 20-39years were 0.96±0.69, among 40-59 years 1.50±1.22 and among 60years and above were 1.69±0.89. Conclusion: There is a high prevalence of dental calculus among patients with renal stones. There is tendency for dental calculus to increase withage, with older group showing more calculus. The difference is statistically significant.
Year 2018
Month October
Volume 7
Issue 4
Published On 24 Oct 2018
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