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Characteristics of cerebral venous thrombosis in a South Indian Rural Hospital

Authors Elanagan Nagarajan, V.Shankar
Abstract Introduction: Purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical profile of the patients with cerebral venous thrombosis and to assess the risk factors involved. Methods: This study was a retrospective study performed at Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre, Porur, Chennai and a total of 25 patients were reviewed. Clinical features, mode of onset, predisposing factors and CT/MRI findings were noted. All patients who were diagnosed to be having cerebral venous thrombosis were included in this study. Results: Mean age was 35.7 years (range, 15 to 70 years) with a male to female ratio of 13:12. Headache (84%) and convulsions (47%) were the most common clinical features. 44% of the patients had altered sensorium and 9.1% were comatose at the time of presentation. Focal neurological deficits were observed in 60% of the patients and hemiparesis was the common deficit, seen in 28% of the cases. Subacute presentation (52%) was the most common mode of onset followed by acute presentation (40%). Predisposing factors were identified in 72% of patients. Infection was identified as a risk factor in 28% cases. CT scans showed hemorrhagic infarcts in 32% of the patients. Superior sagittal sinus was the most frequent sinus involved, 68% had partial or complete occlusion of the superior sagittal sinus. There was no mortality in the present series.Conclusion:This study reports that cerebral venous thrombosis in developing countries particularly in rural area are no different from developed countries needs to follow similar prevention and management . KEYWORDS: Cerebral venous thrombosis, Seizures, Sinus, Neurological deficits, Infection.
Year 2013
Month July
Volume 2
Issue 3
Published On 12 Jul 2013
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