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Sexual Dimorphism in Hand and Foot Dimensions in Chhattisgarh Region

Authors Praveen Kurrey, Karuna Sonwani, Vijay Kurrey, Praveen Banjare, Vinod Koshley
Abstract Introduction: Relationship between different body parts especially the limbs is being used to establish sex and stature. which is a prerequisite to identification in forensic investigation Ascertaining sex and estimation of stature from incomplete skeletal and decomposing bodies is a recurring theme in physical anthropology and forensic science. This has become useful in recent times due to mass disasters like plane crash, mass suicide, tsunamis, forest fires, earth quakes. Material and Methods: The present investigation was conducted to study dimorphic variation in hand lengths, widths, height, stature ratio and indices for bilateral differences. Data for the study was obtained from 140 students with mean age of 18.93 ± 1.16 years from Pt.J.N.M.Medical college Raipur. Height of subject, length and width of hand and foot of both males and females were measured following standard protocols using vernier calliper and measuring tape. Results: In all anthropometric parameters measured males were significantly (P<0.001) higher. Significant relationships were established between height, hand lengths and width, foot length and width in both sexes. Multiple linear regression analysis of hand and foot lengths generated predictive equations with statistical significant (P <0.001) ability for height prediction. Conclusion: The results showed a significant correlation between hand length and foot lengths in both sexes. Dimorphic variation in height could be accurately predicted from a combination of right and left hand and foot lengths which will be useful in forensic investigation, medico-legal cases for the identification of body parts as well as in cosmetic surgery. KEYWORDS: Stature , Height, Hand length, Hand width, Foot length, Foot width
Year 2017
Month October
Volume 6
Issue 4
Published On 28 Oct 2017
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