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Chiropractic Care of Postlaminectomy Syndrome: A Report of 2 Cases

Authors Eric Chun-Pu Chu
Abstract ABSTRACT Herein, the author presents two cases where chiropractic techniques appear to have been successful in alleviating post-laminectomy syndrome (PLS). PLS is a condition characterized by persistent back pain or leg pain after spine surgeries. Nerves can get damaged or inflamed due to various (preexisting, intra- or postoperative) conditions, resulting in continued low back pain. These cases are notable because the precise cause of this condition remains unclear and, currently, effective strategies for patients with this painful syndrome have not been established. KEYWORDS: Chiropractic; Post-laminectomy syndrome; Posterior.
Year 2017
Month July
Volume 6
Issue 3
Published On 13 Jul 2017
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