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Different kinds of cancer incidence rate in patients who suffer from death rumination disorder and employed psychological defence styles

Authors Minoo Sharbafshaaer, Mohammad A. Mashhadi, Mohsen Kord
Abstract Background:Cancer is malignant disease with high risk of incidence which disease lead to stressful and pressure condition. Study estimated different kinds of cancer that these are in high incidence rate then study consider relation between kinds of cancer with death rumination disorder and psychological defence styles. Materials and methods: The study was done using two questionnaire such as: death rumination questionnaire and defence style questionnaire-60 (DSQ-60). Study was conducted in 200 patients who after oncologist diagnosis bedded in hospital. Investigation used all data collected analysed by SPSS version 21 software, the MANOVA test was used. Results: In particular, leukemia was peak of high risk incidence in cancer population, whereas kinds of cancer correlated with death-analysis(P value 0.027), this is factor of death rumination disorder also kinds of cancer correlated with projective(P value 0.004) and suppression(P value 0.015)that these are factors of psychological defence styles. Conclusions: leukemia was found to have high incidence rate meanwhile study indicated there are statistically significant difference between kinds of cancer with factors of death rumination disorder and factors of defence styles in cancer patients. Kinds of cancer correlated with death-analysis, projective and suppression.In fact oncologist diagnosis lead to death rumination disorder thus patients used psychological defence styles in order to adapt with pressure and stressful condition of disease and treatment. KEYWORDS: Kinds of cancer, incidence rate, cancer patients, death rumination disorder, psychological defence styles.
Year 2017
Month January
Volume 6
Issue 1
Published On 10 Jan 2017
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