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Effect of Yogasana and Pranayama on weight, muscle strength and endurance in young Male Medical Students

Authors Thirupathi C, Aanandha Subramaniam K
Abstract Introduction: Yoga is well known for its contribution towards maintenance of normal health since Vedic period. Yoga practice has been beneficial in improving muscle power and muscular endurance. Medical students have been shown to exhibit early risk factors for chronic diseases due to lack of exercise and stress due to their curriculum. Hence the study was designed to assess the effect of Yogasana and Pranayama on weight , Muscle strength and endurance among young medical students. Materials and Methods: 60 male first year MBBS students volunteers age ranging from 17 to 19 years, studying at Madras Medical College, Chennai were recruited for present study. They were taught yoga and allowed to practice yoga daily for 45 minutes for 10 weeks. Parameters like weight, BMI, chest expansion, Respiratory rate , hand grip strength and endurance were recorded before and after the study. Results: A significant reduction in weight, increase in cheat expansion, hand grip strength and endurance were recorded with p value < 0.001 . No significant change in BMI, respiratory rate was observed. Conclusion: Yogasana and pranayama are beneficial form of exercise in medical students to reduce weight and improve muscle strength and endurance. KEYWORDS: Yogaasana, medical students, hand grip strength and endurance.
Year 2017
Month January
Volume 6
Issue 1
Published On 10 Jan 2017
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