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Use of Simulation for Identification and Strengthening of Weaker Surgical Technical Objectives - A Pilot Study

Authors Shinde Raju K, Jogdand Sangita D
Abstract Introduction: In the beginning, even simple surgical procedure may encounter technical difficulty for trainee that increases operative time and expose patient to the risk of complications depending on complexity of procedure; using simulation, simple or complex procedure can be practiced and shown positive effect on outcome. Hence it is wise to identify weaker technical objectives (i.e. skills) of procedure and strengthen it. Present study was aimed to assess whether simulation is effective in pointing out ‘weaker skills’ in the procedure using ‘Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills, (OSATS) and can these weaker skills be strengthened by simulation practice. Methods: A pilot study was conducted in which first all participants were assessed for adequate knowledge and skills for skin suturing before demonstration and practice (Pre test). Secondly participants were exposed to ideal, stepwise demonstration of skills with explaining the importance of each step along with correlation of knowledge. Participants were asked to practice ideal skin suturing for one hour. All participants were then asked to perform skin suturing and suture removal. Evaluation was done as before. All participants were then assessed for knowledge and skills for skin suturing. (Post test). Results: There was significant improvement between pre-test and post test score of OSATS in most of weaker skills and knowledge; some skills were not improved significantly with one hour practice. Conclusion: It is evident that simulation is effective identifying weaker skills but some skills needs more practice for improvement. KEYWORDS: Simulation, OSATS.
Year 2016
Month October
Volume 5
Issue 4
Published On 06 Oct 2016
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