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A Retrospective, Comparative Study of Ureteric Stent Registry Systems And Review of Hospital Policy to Minimize Incidence of Forgotten Stents

Authors Indrajit Rana, Jugindra Sorokhaibam
Abstract Introduction: Based upon experiences from our previously conducted hospital audit of old ureteric stent registry system and after reviewing other studies, we introduced a new ureteric stent registry system from 1st April, 2014. The current study was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of new ureteric stent registry system and review hospital policy to address the problem. Materials and methods: In the current study, data from old stent registry system (1st April to 30th September, 2013) and new stent registry system (1st April to 30th September, 2014) were compared retrospectively. We have analysed our ureteric stent logbooks, theatre logs, discharge certificates and computerised stent registry data of every patients and where no record of stent removal was found, we contacted the patient. Results: Old ureteric stent registry system failed to record 27.3% cases of stent removal, where as new registry system failed only in 1.3% cases. Because of new stent registry system, delayed stent removal incidence was reduced from 22.8% to 3% and stent associated complications were decreased from 9.7% to 1.3% (P value <0.0001). Conclusion: Our current ureteric stent registry system which is properly maintained and regularly monitored is more effective safeguard than old ureteric stent registry system to minimize incidence of forgotten stents and stent related complications. KEYWORDS: Forgotten stent, Ureteric stent, Stent registry.
Year 2016
Month October
Volume 5
Issue 4
Published On 06 Oct 2016
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